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Universal Connector

Don't miss the opportunity to upgrade your Loftware Print server (LPS) solution!

Loftware has announced its plan to retire the Loftware Print Server (LPS) family of solutions with a formal end of support occurring on December 31, 2024. Now is the perfect time to move from LPS to the Cloud!

Learn more


LPS Premier
WIN XP Pro WIN 7 Pro WIN 8 WIN 2000 Server Windows Server
WIN 2008 Server WIN 2008 Server R2 Windows Server 2012 R2**† Windows Server 2016¹ Windows Server 2019 Linux Unix Java
4.3.1 10.2 or later No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1.7 or higher
4.2.1 10.2 or later No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 1.7 or higher
4.2 10.2 or later No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 1.7 or higher
4.1 10.0.1 or later Yes* Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes 1.6
4.0.3 10.0.1 or later Yes* Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes  
4.0.2 10.0.1 or later Yes* Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes  
4.0.1 10.0 Yes* Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes  
4.0 10.0 Yes* Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes  
3.1 9.5-10.0 Yes* Yes* No Yes* Yes* Yes* No No No No Yes Yes  
3.0 8.4-10.0 Yes* No No Yes* Yes* No No No No No Yes Yes  
2.6** 8.4-9.8 Yes* No No Yes* Yes* No No No No No Yes Yes  

* 32-bit only and ** 64-bit only.
† Windows Server 2012 R2 support is for non-clustered environments and is inclusive of Windows Server 2012.
‡ Windows Server 2003 support is ending July 14, 2015
¹ Windows Server 2016 support is for non-clustered environments

Note: The Loftware Connector Console requires either Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 10.0 or later with JavaScript enabled or Mozilla Firefox Version 18.0 or later with JavaScript enabled.

Release Notes

Loftware Universal Connector 4.2.1

Release Notes: August 2018

Universal Connector 4.2.1 is a Loftware Connector maintenance release. The features and fixes provided by version 4.2 are listed below to assist users who are upgrading from a release prior to 4.2.

What are the new features of this release?
  • Added support for Web Services Integrations.
  • Added support for non-clustered Windows Server 2016.
  • Added the ability for the Connector Console to automatically update when printer lists are modified on any configured Loftware Print Servers.
  • Added the ability to treat non-group values for the _FORMAT attribute as labels.
  • Added the ability to test with large XML files.
  • Added the ability to register a listener without a filter.
  • Added additional feedback when errors are encountered while running “Discover All LPS Servers”.
  • JRE 1.8 is now packaged with Loftware Connector products, which results in providing separate installation packages for 32- and 64-bit Operating Systems.
What fixes are available in this release?
  • Corrected issues with Repair functionality incorrectly reporting on status of XDK java classes and failing to install the Console service.
  • Corrected a defect that prevented labels with fixed text fields only from printing via the Connector.
  • Corrected issues running service.bat if both JAVA_HOME and JRE_HOME are set.
  • Method type of “literal” is now disallowed when configuring a Default Data Lookup filter.
  • Corrected an error with Format Substitution not working after a Default Data Lookup in a filter chain.
  • Corrected issues with a failed import rendering the Connector useless.Corrected an issue in which high volumes of jobs across a large number of scan folders can result in jobs being stacked in the Processing folder.
  • Corrected a loadjava call by surrounding the JDBC_URL with double quotes.
What issues are known about this release?
  • When using the Web Services integration, if an XML job-file has a UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM) ahead of the XML declaration, the job sent to LWWS via SoapUI, or through code, will cause the following error to occur: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; Content is not allowed in prolog
    • This does not occur when passing the XML with BOM data as a ByteArrayInputStream. This error can be avoided using either of the following workarounds:
      • Strip the BOM from the head of the XML, by using the String replace method, and replacing '\uFEFF' with an empty character
      • Pass the XML as a stream of bytes via ByteArrayInputStream