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Upgrade to Loftware NiceLabel 10

As an existing NiceLabel customer, you can get an upgrade key for the latest software version for a discounted price. Simply complete the form and we will contact you to make sure that you get the best product for your needs.

NiceLabel 10 includes print productivity improvements and new features that help reduce IT involvement in labeling and further streamline the label printing process.

  • Przeprojektowane centrum sterowania
  • Zarządzanie drukarkami przez sieć Web
  • Nowe i ulepszone integracje
  • Nowe i zaktualizowane sterowniki do drukowania i znakowania/kodowania
  • Ulepszone testy bezpieczeństwa
  • Nowa pomoc online i zasoby szkoleniowe na żądanie

All Loftware NiceLabel 10 software editions are 100% compatible with the 2017 and 2019 NiceLabel versions. Upgrades will be seamless and existing labels and solutions will be unchanged when using the version 10.

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